Desh Subba

Desh Subba was born in the rural district of the eastern part of Nepal in 1965. He is a founder of Philosophy of Fearism and Trans Philosophism, what he calls “two eyes” or perspectives on interpretation and critical analysis. Now his third eye project is Fearmorphosis. He and others following his earlier works have published books, journal articles and popular magazine pieces on these topics as well there are interviews on video. His essential writings and thinking are challenging to present and past philosophers. From the two eyes, Subba looks at philosophy, language, morality, politics, economics, and the environment. It is a natural approach he takes with a Fearism vision differing from classical, modern, postmodern, and Marxism. He proposes that the world, meaning-making and life can be seen better from these eyes or lenses. His ideas continue to influence many contemporary philosophers, professionals, students and authors. Fearmorphosis is his latest approach to a third eye—it is also known as higher consciousness and mind-eye in Eastern mythology.

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